Loans have emerged as one of the major financial support for general people to tackle several sorts of financial issues and moments of emergency. If you opt SBI personal loan, an HDFC personal loan or an ICICI bank personal loan, you can easily get your hands on unforeseen events and challenging times to mitigate various financial issues on time. There are several benefits you will get from personal loans like less paperwork, quick processing time etc. These loan also provide several benefits if you choose prepayment of your debts. Some of them we have provided below. Read all the points very carefully:
Know What is Loan Prepayment
Loan prepayment indicates early payment of your loan debts. You can choose prepayment of your EMI or debts by contacting your lender and choose either partial or full and final payment. Some lenders don’t provide this facility while most of them offer this on personal loans. It makes people stress-free very early for the job of repayment of loans per month.
If your banking institution has allowed you to pay your loans very early, try to take bigger funds than your usual monthly investment and pay it before your repayment date arises. Sometimes it becomes very beneficial as it ensures your financial organization that you can easily pay the debt before the closing of your loan account.
Top Benefits of Prepayment of Your Debts
Get Freedom of Paying Monthy Debts
One of the best reasons why people choose .prepayent of EMI or debts is they want to be debt-free very early. In this way, you get away from financial stress very soon and prepayment of your EMI will help you save lots of money and interest.
Peace of Mind
Prepayment of debts and credit card EMI will provide you immense peace of mind as you will get rid of debt payments regularly. Now after this job, you can easily live a perfect stress-free life and can easily focus on your future goals.
Helps Enhance your Creditworthiness
The act of prepayment of your debts helps you improve your creditworthiness by improving your credit score as it’s very crucial for getting a new loan. Prepayment of your loans can easily help you tackle things related to low credit cards as it’s a better opportunity to improve your credit card so that you can easily get financial assistance from your lender in the form of a new loan.
Save More on Interest
Choosing prepayment of your loans, means you are saving lots of money on investment or interests. However, you will be charged a nominal fee in the form of prepayment cost, but this cost is too low as compared to the interest you are going to save which you will pay during your tenure.
Now, you won’t face any sort of monthly obligations and thus you can easily save lots of money on your interest rates. Now this saved money can be easily spent or used on other activities like making your dreams come true.
Minimize Your debt burden
With prepayment of your loan, you can easily reduce the debt burden that you have taken on your shoulders to manage your daily financials or achieve your target very early. By repaying your debts in one go, you can easily reduce your debt budget and, the total interest paid on the value of the outstanding amount.
You can choose to pay a part of your loan debts in the early years and the rest sometime later. You can easily reduce the overall cost of your loan which can easily manage your financials better.
Flexible Financial Planning
Prepayment of debts or EMI helps you plan your financials very easily as you are stress-free to make informed decisions related to your goals and ambitions. With fewer monthly obligations, you can easily manage your financials like savings, investments financial purchases etc. The earlier you get free from debts, the earlier you can manage your goals and focus on financial planning and strategies.
Steps to Prepay Your Personal Loans
Whether you have selected the loan payment for an SBI personal loan or an NBFC personal loan, you have to go through some steps.
If you choose prepayment of your loans, you should follow these steps to make it happen.
- First and foremost, contact your lender.
- Now, submit all the documents needed for the closing of your account.
- After that, your documents will undergo a verification process.
- Get NOC: getting NOC means that your loan repayment has been accepted by the lender.
Prepayment of loans provides several benefits like early freedom from repayment of debts, enough time to manage your life, focus on goals, invest in other plans etc.